Quick and informative reads about emerging technology and it's impact on Retail and E-Commerce.

Man in car working on a smart phone

How to Use a Digital Business Card for Networking and Marketing

December 16, 20233 min read

The Digital Revolution

Do you remember back in the '90s when people had Rolodexes full of business cards for everyone they had met? While business cards are a great way to stay relevant and give people your information, they end up in the trash. Around 88% of business cards get thrown away within a week after a person receives them. 

A digital business card is the modern way business owners stay connected with potential partners and customers. This blog will discuss some ways you can use an electronic business card to market your business and network. 

digital business card

Do you remember back in the '90s when people had Rolodexes full of business cards for everyone they had met? While business cards are a great way to stay relevant and give people your information, they end up in the trash. Around 88% of business cards get thrown away within a week after a person receives them. 

A digital business card is the modern way business owners stay connected with potential partners and customers. This blog will discuss some ways you can use an electronic business card to market your business and network. 

Have Multiple Distribution Platforms

A digital business card can include various pieces of media, such as videos, links, and photos. You can customize them to fit your brand. Being able to share your digital networking card in many ways will make it easier to connect with others. 

Google or Apple Wallet Pass

You can share your business card as a digital pass when you store it in your Google or Apple wallet. Share it with someone else in one of the following ways:

  • URL

  • Email

Your business card will get uploaded directly into their wallet once you share it with them. 


A URL enables you to send your digital networking cards to someone's email address. You can share it on your social media platforms using this URL. Once they click on the link, recipients will be able to view your card. 

Include in Your Email Signature 

Your email signature is the perfect opportunity to include more information about yourself and build brand awareness. This tactic is helpful for people who send out multiple emails daily. 

Don't list your website, name, or other pertinent details in your email signature. Add a digital business card to share unlimited information beyond the basics. The card can get embedded into your signature with a URL. 

Share at Networking Events 

Networking events are the best place to find more people to add to your professional circle. You can connect with potential and current customers. It can be challenging to stand out from everyone else handing out traditional cards. 

A digital business card is the ideal solution for these types of gatherings. You can instantly share your card with the people you're talking to. Consider adding your photo to your digital card so they'll remember your face when looking through cards later. 

Incorporate Into Your Social Media Profiles

Social media platforms provide wonderful opportunities to connect with others. You can use your social media profile to promote your digital business card in the following ways:

  • Add your card URL to your bio

  • Share your card in a post

Include a clear call-to-action in your posts that invites people to click on your link. 

Explore Our Digital Business Card Software

A digital business card is a cost-effective way to grow your business and connect with others. Show potential customers what you have to offer easily. Avoid having your information tossed in the trash by exploring a virtual business card. 

If you're looking for networking, marketing, or digital business card software, look no further than Nesta System. Increase your brand awareness while growing your customer base. Sign up for our free demo today to see for yourself how our product can help you. 

blog author image

Matthew Henderson

Professional networker, Digital Marketing Specialist, and life long entrepreneur. Matt Henderson has spent his career growing companies both online and brick and mortar. After growing multiple businesses to 7 figures he now aims to assist others in replicating the same growth through Nesta Systems, a networking system for all entrepreneurs and business owners.

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Quick and informative reads about emerging technology and it's impact on Retail and E-Commerce.

Man in car working on a smart phone

How to Use a Digital Business Card for Networking and Marketing

December 16, 20233 min read

The Digital Revolution

Do you remember back in the '90s when people had Rolodexes full of business cards for everyone they had met? While business cards are a great way to stay relevant and give people your information, they end up in the trash. Around 88% of business cards get thrown away within a week after a person receives them. 

A digital business card is the modern way business owners stay connected with potential partners and customers. This blog will discuss some ways you can use an electronic business card to market your business and network. 

digital business card

Do you remember back in the '90s when people had Rolodexes full of business cards for everyone they had met? While business cards are a great way to stay relevant and give people your information, they end up in the trash. Around 88% of business cards get thrown away within a week after a person receives them. 

A digital business card is the modern way business owners stay connected with potential partners and customers. This blog will discuss some ways you can use an electronic business card to market your business and network. 

Have Multiple Distribution Platforms

A digital business card can include various pieces of media, such as videos, links, and photos. You can customize them to fit your brand. Being able to share your digital networking card in many ways will make it easier to connect with others. 

Google or Apple Wallet Pass

You can share your business card as a digital pass when you store it in your Google or Apple wallet. Share it with someone else in one of the following ways:

  • URL

  • Email

Your business card will get uploaded directly into their wallet once you share it with them. 


A URL enables you to send your digital networking cards to someone's email address. You can share it on your social media platforms using this URL. Once they click on the link, recipients will be able to view your card. 

Include in Your Email Signature 

Your email signature is the perfect opportunity to include more information about yourself and build brand awareness. This tactic is helpful for people who send out multiple emails daily. 

Don't list your website, name, or other pertinent details in your email signature. Add a digital business card to share unlimited information beyond the basics. The card can get embedded into your signature with a URL. 

Share at Networking Events 

Networking events are the best place to find more people to add to your professional circle. You can connect with potential and current customers. It can be challenging to stand out from everyone else handing out traditional cards. 

A digital business card is the ideal solution for these types of gatherings. You can instantly share your card with the people you're talking to. Consider adding your photo to your digital card so they'll remember your face when looking through cards later. 

Incorporate Into Your Social Media Profiles

Social media platforms provide wonderful opportunities to connect with others. You can use your social media profile to promote your digital business card in the following ways:

  • Add your card URL to your bio

  • Share your card in a post

Include a clear call-to-action in your posts that invites people to click on your link. 

Explore Our Digital Business Card Software

A digital business card is a cost-effective way to grow your business and connect with others. Show potential customers what you have to offer easily. Avoid having your information tossed in the trash by exploring a virtual business card. 

If you're looking for networking, marketing, or digital business card software, look no further than Nesta System. Increase your brand awareness while growing your customer base. Sign up for our free demo today to see for yourself how our product can help you. 

blog author image

Matthew Henderson

Professional networker, Digital Marketing Specialist, and life long entrepreneur. Matt Henderson has spent his career growing companies both online and brick and mortar. After growing multiple businesses to 7 figures he now aims to assist others in replicating the same growth through Nesta Systems, a networking system for all entrepreneurs and business owners.

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